
Hartford 68, UNH 65

Well, we get bonus Christine tomorrow.

Hartford deserved to win the game there, but you've got to credit Abreu for the big shot to bring the Wildcats even. Gibbs' MAJOR choke -- to miss BOTH -- ended up really costing the Wildcats there, and I'm sure any stories about that game will feature that snafu pretty prominently.

The way it worked out though, UNH couldn't really ask for a much better bounce of the ball -- not two but three looks, albeit none of them very good. You can't ask for more than that kind of opportunity at the end there -- short of signing Mark Socoby.

Roger Neel's in the stands behind me, wearing one of the nicest ties I've seen all day.

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UA's warming up right in front of me ... the guys with mohawks look ridiculous. Especially the big dude - is that Gifford? He was doofy to begin with -- add a mohawk and you're approaching Zoellner status.

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