
Halftime in Vestal: Hartford 32, UNH 31

Hartford's Andres Torres is just a ball of energy out there. He appears to be going fast -- I'm going to go on a limb and say too fast -- on every single offensive play. He's almost sprinting with reckless abandon out there.

The Hartford dance team is quite good. I know I'm using a lot of superlatives to describe the dance teams (maybe if I had a girlfriend I could be a little more judgmental? :D just kidding) ... I will try and figure out my favorite once the night is over here in sunny Vestal, New York.

Like I said, the UNH "contingent" is absolutely pathetic -- even worse than Maine was last night.

UNH's band is playing "You Can Call Me, Al" -- brings back memories, eh?

I will post those Binghamton postgame cuts ... right now.

PS: Is anybody reading this? Even if you're not -- I'm having fun.

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